Cara Install Psotnic

Cara Install Psotnic – Psotnic is an IRCnet bot written in C++. The main goal of the project was to create a fast, stable and easy to use bot.
Psotnic is a homonym for the Polish word psotnik, which means “rascal” or “urchin”.Mokhov

Tahapan instalasi psotnic (disini saya menggunakan gay-psotnic, modifkasi dari psotnic aslinya) :

tar zxf gay.tar.gz
mv gay-postnic-0.1 gay-psotnic
cd gay-psotnic
cd modules
cd ../bin
./psotnic -n

masukkan data2 yang diperlukan, seperti ip server tempat anda menginstall psotnic, ip server irc tujuan, dlsbnya,

catatan: awalnya anda harus membuat hub, yaitu bot yg berfungsi sebagai pusat / penghubung diantara bot² yg akan anda buat nantinya, kemudian slave, dan jika diperlukan leaf,

setelah selesai untuk menjalankannya:
./psotnic namafilebotconfignya.cfg

command untuk mengaktifkan crontab supaya bisa running otomatis setelah proses mati karena server restart dll, yaitu:
./psotnic -a namafileconfigbot1.cfg namafileconfigbot2.cfg namafileconfigbot3.cfg

dibawah ini contoh ketika km jalankan perintah buat psotnic baru, yg huruf tebal adalah keterangan buatanku

psotnic@lili:~/gay-psotnic/bin$ ./psotnic -n

gay-psotnic, version 0.1-pre (23-09-10)-ipv6 (rev: 205, build: May  9 2012 08:57:39)
Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Grzegorz Rusin <[email protected]>
Copyright (C) 2009 development team

[*] Bot now runs in config creation mode
[*] The options are explained at
[*] Mandatory options for all bot types:
[?] nick? (1 to 15 chars): isi nick bot km, terserah
[?] username? (1 to 12 chars) [psotnic]: username botnya
[?] realname? (1 to 255 chars) [Psotnic C++ Edition]: realname botnya
[?] alternative nick? (1 to 15 chars): nick alternatif klo nickbot udah dipke org lain
[?] Which IPv4 or IPv6 address should be used to connect to IRC (default: determined by OS): ip4/ip6 yg mau dipke bot utk konek ke irc
[?] Which IPv4 address should be used to connect to other bots?: ip4 utk konek sesama bot (botnet, hrs ip4)
[*] What type of bot do you want?:
[>]     [0]     Main
[>]      1      Slave
[>]      2      Leaf
[?] Your choice: setiap botnet minimal hrs punya 1 main/hub, baru bs buat slave (ranting), baru bs buat daun di setiap rantingnya (leaf), klo ini botnet pertama anda isi nol, tp dicontoh saya isi 2 krn saya udah siapin hub+slavenya
[*] Configuration for bot type: LEAF
[*] Connection options to connect to hub?:
[?]     Host address (can be prefixed by “ssl:”, “ipv4:”, “ipv6:”): isi ipv4 slavenya
[?]     Port (1 to 65535): isi port listen dari slavenya
[?]     Password: isi password dari botmu ini
[?]     Handle (0 to 15 chars): tulis nama panggilan dr botnet yg km buat skrg
[?] Do you want to add alternative hubs? (Y or N) [N]: y jika ingin nambah alternatif hub/slave, n jika tidak
[*] Valid lines are: host port
[?]     AltHub 0: ip.slave.nya port.slave.nya (klo yg ini hrs 1 baris, misalnya 20000)
[?]     AltHub 1:
[*] Okay, added 1 alternative hubs.
[?] Do you want to add some servers? (Y or N) [Y]:utk memasukan server irc tujuannya, ketik n jika tdk ingin konek ke irc
[*] Adding server:
[?]     Host address (can be prefixed by “ssl:”, “ipv4:”, “ipv6:”): tulis server irc disini, misalnya
[?]     Port number (1 to 65535): 6667
[?]     Password (0 to 256 chars): password irc server tujuan, tp biasanya kosong ya? enter aja deh
[?] Do you want to add more servers? (Y or N) [N]:
[?] Do you want to add some modules? (Y or N) [N]: y jika ingin menambah module, n jika tidak, disini saya tulis y
[?]     Module 0:
[?]     Module 1: enter aja klo udah selesai nambahin modul²mu
[*] Okay, added 1 modules.
[?] Do you want to switch to expert mode and set further variables? (Y or N) [N]:y jika ingin seting yg lbh expert/lengkap, n jika tidak ingin
[?] Where should the config file be saved? [terry.cfg]:enter aja spy nama file confignya sesuai nicknya
[*] config file has been saved
psotnic@lili:~/gay-psotnic/bin$ ./psotnic terry.cfg <<< utk menjalankan botnya, jangan lupa crontabnya dipasang ya, smoga sukses kawan…

work as freelancer, web developer, tourism support, organizer, etc - i’m a humanize human, a son, a father, a husband, who love coffee and cigarette, lazy and moody, entrepreneur, very easy to sleep, internet addict, bad designer, humorious, playing guitar, can’t singing & cooking, thin body, brown skin, smily, travelling & hiking, art & culture related, etc………

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