Berikut ini daftar hotel yang berada di kota batu – jawa timur, semoga bermanfaat 🙂

Royal Orchids Garden
Jl. Indragiri 4, Batu – Malang 65313
Phone: +62-341-593083, 593086
Fax: +62-341-591064

Purnama Hotel
Raya Selecta street, 1–15 Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 592700 / Fax. 592710

Kartika Wijaya Hotel
Panglima Sudirman street, 127 Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 592600 / Fax. 591004

Flower Club
Kartika Batu street
Phone. ( 0341 ) 594777

Kusuma Agrowisata Hotel
Abdul Ghani street, Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 593333 / Fax. 593196

Asida Hotel
Panglima Sudirman street, 99 Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 592988, 591519 / Fax. 591259

New Victory Hotel
Raya Junggo street, 107 Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 593011

Palem Sari Hotel
Raya Punten street, 2 Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 591219 / Fax. 597972

Metropole Hotel
Panglima Sudirman street, 93 Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 591759

Aster Hotel
Trunojoyo street, Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 591323, 593377

Perdana Hotel
Panglima Sudirman street, 101 Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 590114 / Fax. 59172

Arumdalu Hotel
Songgoriti street, 4 Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 599764

Selecta Hotel
Raya Selecta street, Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 592369

Grand Palem Hotel
Trunojoyo street, 32 Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 591977 / Fax. 597196

Songgoriti Air Panas Hotel
Raya Songgoriti street, 51 Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 593555, 593511 / Fax. 596407

Wijaya Inn Hotel
Raya Selecta street, Batu
Phone/Fax. ( 0341 ) 592694, 592223

Santoso Hotel
Raya Selecta street, Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 591006

Imam Bonjol Hotel
Imam Bonjol street, 3 Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 593628
Songgoriti Hotel

Raya Songgoriti street, Batu
Phone. ( 0341 ) 596407

work as freelancer, web developer, tourism support, organizer, etc - i’m a humanize human, a son, a father, a husband, who love coffee and cigarette, lazy and moody, entrepreneur, very easy to sleep, internet addict, bad designer, humorious, playing guitar, can’t singing & cooking, thin body, brown skin, smily, travelling & hiking, art & culture related, etc………

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